Age 19 from Saint Paul, MN


(Age 19)

Looking for girls down to fuck? Aiko from Minnesota is your girl

Saint Paul, MN

About AIKO :
"I am here to satisfy all ur hot fantasies and wet dreams***An innocent and pure girl can be devil in person.Greats smile,penetraing eyes.Tanned skin!!! I love sex with all different kinda persons..I don't have a type in particular that makes me more wet than all the others…I love my men in all shapes and colors..As long as you can fuck like a maniac..LET ME MAKE UR DREAMS COME TRUE IN MY ROOM"

Questions About Adult Dating!

What are 5 Greatest Perks of Casual Sex?

There are many perks of having friends with benefits (or fuck buddy), and if you've never had the pleasure of having one, please let us inform you of all of the great reasons why you should try. Not only do you get the sexual satisfaction of any great relationship but you can skip all of the BS that they entail by remaining to be as single as ever but not sexually deprived.

Number 1 - You Get Instant Satisfaction

When you have a friend with benefits, there is nothing wrong with sending the late night text or planning out your sex nights with them. If your friend is always available just like you, then you could be getting instant satisfaction within a couple of minutes. There is no working up to try and persuade whoever you're dating that you're finally ready to take the relationship to the next level, but instead you're already at the level and get crazier every time.

Number 2 - There's No Drama

Every relationship has drama, even if you're the most perfect couple on Earth but having a casual relationship can help you avoid one less drama filled interaction in your life. The moment that drama starts happening, which can happen because people start to have feelings, then you can cut them off without any backlash. There is no harm in blocking or deleting any casual sex partner that is trying to cause you any drama because that was the whole point of being in that type of agreement.

Number 3 - There Are No Rules

All of the texting and dates and feelings bullshit is out of the window. There aren't rules when it comes to how many times you should be fucking during the week or texting to plan things. It depends on the mutual availability and whether both of you are still interested in pursuing this rendezvous.

Number 4 - You Can Save Money

Those gifts and dinners and gas that you're spending your hard earned money on can go straight into your wallet because you don't get to spend any of it. Obviously, maybe a little bit of gas if you need to get to your fuckbuddy's place, but you can always swap places, so that evens out.

Number 5 - There Is No Effort

You can skip the shallow talk about trying to get to know someone when all you want is in their pants No need to try and find things you have in common or any similarities when in reality you can just get down to business the second you guys are alone. Obviously, you might want to put effort into your physical appearance and personal hygiene to keep a fuck buddy, but not the kind of energy you need to maintain a serious relationship.